Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thursday Thankfuls

I'm trying to make an honest effort to have some me time every day. I think it's good for my soul (and my mental health). I've decided a good way to spend part of my alone time is writing. So, more regular blog posts to come (I hope!).

Each Thurdsay, I'm going to do a post titled "Thursday Thankfuls". This post will help me reflect and focus on the good in my life. After I list what I'm thankful for, I will pose a couple of questions for readers to reflect on. Feel free to leave your responses in the comments section of the blog if you so wish.

This Thursday morning, I am thankful for the following:

-A wonderful family. I have been amazed at how supportive and loving my immediate and extended family has been since Mitch was born. I am extremely lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people.

-The power of prayer. Since we learned about Mitch's heart condition, I've been amazed at the many prayers directed our way. Much thanks and gratitude!

-The blessing of health insurance. This past week, I talked the the cardiology social worker at Primary Children's hospital to get a rough estimate of how much Mitch's surgery will cost. After seeing the numbers, I'm more thankful than ever to have great medical coverage.


What are you thankful for in your life?

What things have amazed you lately?

I found out the other day that the nuns at the local Catholic church have Mitch's name on their prayer roll. They pray for him daily. They told a friend they won't take his name off until they've received word that he's completely healthy. I've never met these people or attended their church, yet they take time to pray for my son each day. How incredible!

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