Monday, September 6, 2010

Open House Cancelled

I know what you are probably thinking right now. Go ahead and roll your eyes about a hundred times because that's what Scott and I have been doing since yesterday.

It seems there is a bad luck something in the cosmos when it comes to wedding anything for us. So, we've cancelled the Open House, and this time we're not making any other plans for wedding get-together "fun". We've had planning up the yang and way too much disappointment to not take this hit personally. Yeah, we're officially done with trying to celebrate our marriage.

I'm not even sure what happened to cause this latest whatever. I'm pretty lost on the whole debacle. But, after everything that was said, Scott and I feel insulted. Apparently, from what we've heard, we overstepped my family's hospitality, required too much and didn't understand the financial toll our event would have on everyone.

However, here's the kicker. The idea to do any type of celebration was not our idea. Even when an Open House was first mentioned, Scott and I let the idea slide to see where it'd go. Then, the idea was brought up again. Everyone in my family wanted to help. Many people offered to bring this and that. It seemed, with everyone pitching in, things would work out. Finally, things seemed to be falling into place. Scott and I would use the things we spent months planning and deciding on for our Open House--the invitations I designed, the cake, my custom dress six months in the making.

My dad's family were the first coal in the fire. After pitching the Open House idea to my dad, he threw a man fit. Yes, a man fit. He told me he would not feel comfortable having the Open House at my uncle and aunt's house. He said we needed to find a central location to hold the event, or he and his family would not be attending.

I thought maybe he'd get over it if someone else pointed out the fact that he'd be interacting with the same people if the Open House were held at my uncle and aunt's or a central location. So, I sent Scott to test the waters with him. He threw another man fit.

Scott and I decided to continue with the event offered by my mom's family. We figured the Green's had made their decision, and we couldn't really force them to participate if they didn't want to.

We began making plans. We got the invitations redone. Then everything came to a crashing halt yesterday with a phone call. I was all of the sudden given an alternative idea to the Open House. I was pretty shocked by the call and that we needed an alternative. Two days prior, everything seemed set in stone. I really didn't know what to say, and I didn't have time to process what was really going on. However, a few minutes after getting off the phone, the wheels in my head started turning. Why would we need alternatives to the Open House unless the Open House was a no-go? need to get into the nitty gritty except for what I said above. We overstepped ourselves and expected too much without even knowing that's what we were doing.

So, contrary to what my family said, there will not be no special day for us. Things are tight for everyone and throwing something like that is way too much of a burden even when food and decorations are split between tons of people who volunteered to help.

The best part of this whole thing is we now get the opportunity of telling everyone who wanted to celebrate with us that we've failed to pull together another event. I'm really looking forward to the chat I'll be having tomorrow with my mother-in-law, after I spent half a day on Saturday talking and planning details with her. And, I'm really happy that my dress I'll never get to use is ready for pick-up tomorrow.

Sorry for the snappy sarcasm here. This girl is OVER and DONE with anything and everything wedding.


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